Simple Few-Shot Learning with Language Models


  • nlp

FAIR/UCL: Few-shot learning with LMs. Not that interesting results, but cool overview of existing prompt techniques. Focus on masked LM (unlike LTR in e.g. Li and Liang (2021)). Smaller models (RoBERTa, ALBERT) compared to previous work.

TL;DR fine-tune some parameters to make prompt optimization less important.

[Updating only bias terms] can achieve competitive or better few-shot accuracy than standard finetuning while only updating 0.1% of the parameters.

Manually-engineered prompts from previous work still outperform automated ones; the latter can match manual w/ some caveats, e.g. Gao et al. (2021) achieve comparable results using large generative models and careful validation. Concatenating input|[MASK] (cf. A3) can perform similar to prompt engineering.

Fine-tuning styles

In-context (IC) is the name for the prompt-only style few-shot learning. LM remains frozen, you literally ask it to pattern-match your text:

{Q1} and {Q2} have different meanings. {Q3} and {Q4} have similar meanings. {Q5} and {Q6} have [MASK] meanings.

Prompt-only does no parameter update, just searches for a good prompt:

  • AutoPrompt
  • Prompt tuning (short)
  • Prompt tuning (long)

Prompt-based finetuning updates some or all LM parameters. Seems to achieve better perf in previous work than IC with small models. Their experiments with partial updates:

  • Adapters, \(O(10^7)\) params
  • BitFit (theirs - update only bias term), \(O(10^5)\) params
  • LM head tuning, \(O(10^3)\) params
  • Affine transformation on top of the verbalizer token logits, \(O(10)\) params

Trained on only 16 examples, BitFit performs best. Seems adapters have too many params to be useful for this setting.

Previous work claims fine-tuning performs on par with prompt-only tuning, but has been done only on LTR (GPT-style) and larger language models. In their experiments prompt-only tuning fails miserably.


Vocabulary of the pre-trained LM \(T \subseteq T^*\). Training pairs \(x_i \in X, y_i \in Y\). Pattern \(P: X \rightarrow T^*\) maps inputs to cloze Qs (one [MASK] token). Verbalizer \(v: Y \rightarrow T\) maps label to in-vocab token.

Sample 2K examples/label, and determine best hyperparams w/ 4-fold CV. After fixing hp’s, train on the 1st K (=16) and early stop on the 2nd K examples.

Since few-shot learning can be high variance, we sample the examples with 10 different random seeds and report [metrics’ mean and variance].

Welch’s t-test to determine if there is a significant difference in accuracy for each pair of methods.

Prompt styles

From Table A1 (Schick and Schutze, Gao et al.’s prompts). Authors don’t say how the prompts were obtained (validation on a dev dataset?).

Data Prompt Verbalizer
BoolQ {P}. Question: {Q}? Answer: [MASK] true, false
CB {P}? [SEP] [MASK], {H} yes, no, maybe
MNLI {S1}? [SEP] [MASK], {S2} yes, no, maybe
MRPC {S1} and {S2} have [MASK] meanings different, similar
QNLI {Q}? [SEP] [MASK], {S} yes, no
QQP {Q1} and {Q1} have [MASK] meanings different, similar
SST-2 {S} It was [MASK] terrible, great

From Table A2. WTF MRPC and QQP, they bias the model to respond “the same”?

Data Prompt Verbalizer
BoolQ Passage: {P} Question: {Q} Answer: [MASK] true, false
CB Premise: {P} Hypothesis: {H} Label: [MASK] yes, no, maybe
MNLI Premise: {S1} Hypothesis: {S2} Label: [MASK] yes, no, maybe
MRPC {S1} and {S2} are the [MASK] different, same
QNLI Question: {Q} Sentence: {S} Label: [MASK] yes, no
QQP {Q1} and {Q1} are the [MASK] different, same
SST-2 {S} overall my impression is [MASK] bad, good

From Table A3 (null prompts). Why do they change the verbalizer?

Data Prompt Verbalizer
BoolQ {P} {Q} [MASK] yes, no
CB {P} [MASK] {H} yes, no, maybe
MNLI {S1} [MASK] {S2} yes, no, maybe
MRPC {S1} {S2} [MASK] different, similar
QNLI {Q} [MASK] {S} yes, no
QQP {Q1} {Q1} [MASK] different, similar
SST-2 {S} [MASK] terrible, great